Performance start | 18:00 |
Ticket price | 150-450 hrn |
21 Feb, Friday18:00 / 150-450 hrn.
18 Mar, Tuesday18:00 / 150-450 hrn.

Performance language - without words
Additional Information - (Ua) У виставі лунають гучні звуки та постріли
Duration - 1h 20 min without intermission
Genre - Tragicomedy about dumplings and 90s
First night - December 14, 2019
Author - Matteo Spiazzi(Italy)
Director - Matteo Spiazzi (Italy)
Stage designer - Yuriy Larionov
Costume and mask designer - Khrystyna Korabelnikova
Assistant director - Nataliia Dubrova
Interpreter - Yuliia Kovalchuk
Musical decision - Oleksandr Kuriy, Matteo Spiazzi
Lighting designers - Serhii Shalabanov, Nina Hlibovets
Sound designers - Stanislav Lomakovskyi, Liudmyla Hybalo
Prop artists - Mariia Pohrebniak, Nataliia Iahupova, Maryna Konstantynova
Costumers - Liudmyla Savytska, Tetiana Starchenko
Make up - Yuliia Huliaieva
Prop women - Alla Kremkova, Anastasiia Borovska
Dressmakers - Liudmyla Kysil, Nataliia Nedashkivska
Scenery engineer - Yurii Berdnikov
Head of the artistic and production department - Oleh Pustovit
Producers - Tamara Trunova
- Stas Zhyrkov
What is a family?
To find the answer to this question, we invite you to look into the cracks of the old house. We will spy on the life of a family living in Ukraine in the 90s. A family in which three generations combine their lives. What used to be of great importance quickly ceases to be appreciated by descendants. We will move to the times of the collapse of the USSR, we will find ourselves at the crossroads of time. It was when America began to appear on the shelves of our stores.
And let’s imagine that all the actors will be wearing masks? In modern “Commedia dell’Arte” masks.
How without them? After all, the director of this play is Matteo Spiazzi (Italy).
Matteo Spiazzi is a famous director, actor, drama teacher and organizer of theatrical events. He worked in theaters in Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Estonia, Austria, Belarus, Russia, Ecuador. Matteo specializes in modern “Commedia dell’Arte” (“Comedy of masks”) – a type of Italian folk theater whose performances are created by the method of improvisation, with the participation of professional actors dressed in masks.
“Family album/ Album di Famiglia” is the first performance by Matteo Spiazzi in Ukraine. The performance was created with the support of the Embassy of Italy in Ukraine and the Italian Institute of Culture in Ukraine.
If you are missing new, unique theatrical experiences – this performance is definitely for you. The Italian theater in Ukraine became an inspiration and an unforgettable experience for our actors. So we decided to share these emotions with the closest people – our viewers.
- Performance-winner of the 3rd Festival-award “GRA” in 2019 – “The best search-experimental performance”.