Playbill of events

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Performance start 18:00
Ticket price 400 hrn
13 first rules

Performance language - ukrainian

Additional Information - 16+

Duration - 1h 40 min without intermission

Genre - non-comedy about love

First night - February 1, 2020

Author - Dmytro Bogoslavskyi

Director - Stas Zhyrkov

Assistant director - Kateryna Parfyrieva

Artistic decision - Yuriy Larionov

Costume designer - Khrystyna Korabelnikova

Photo - Anastasiia Mantach

Volodya, Igor, Inha and Valeriia. Someone is celebrating a birthday. Someone will learn to smoke. Someone will learn the main secret. Someone will talk about the Hyperboreans. By the way, do you know who this is? See below. Someone will tell about the betrayal. Someone will get slapped in the face at least three times. Someone learn the 13 first rules of basketball formulated by James Naismith. Someone will kiss. Someone will dance. Someone will drop the cake on the floor. Someone will laugh to tears. Someone will say the last words. Someone will die. We all wear masks. We are happy in the moment of greatest grief.

This performance is based on the play “The 13 First Rules of Basketball Created by James Naismith” by the famous Belarusian playwright Dmytro Bogoslavsky, which was written in 2018.

For Stas Zhyrkov, this is Bogoslavsky’s third play with which he is working (based on Dmytro’s material, the director has already staged the plays “People’s Love” and “Daddy, Did You Love Me?”).

Who are the Hyperboreans? These are the people of the legendary country of the same name, which we learn about from Ancient Greek mythology. This, count, is the same Atlantis, whether it is an island or a continent that sank and everyone is wondering where exactly. There are many options – from Greenland to (attention!) Ukraine. The following facts are in favor of the Ukrainian version: “Hyperborea” actually translates as “beyond Boreus”, the ancient Greeks considered Boreus to be ancient Thrace, Google to your help. Actually, beyond Thrace is the territory of modern Ukraine.

In Hyperborea, people live for a thousand years, all are rich and do not know lack of anything. Death there does not come from old age and diseases, but from being oversaturated with the benefits of life. Super people live in this happy country. I wonder what they feel? Is this option available only to simple, ordinary people who are not super at all and who always have something that hurts and happens.

Can we do this for a moment – believe in a beautiful, deep, strong story? Must try.

