Playbill of events

back to afisha
Performance start 18:00
Ticket price 150-450 hrn

Performance language - Without the words. WARNING! In order to reproduce the historical truth, origins and causes and consequences in which we live today, and to immerse ourselves in the times in which history takes place, fragments of Russian-language songs are heard in the play. The performers and authors do not receive any money for the use of the compositions during the performance

Duration - 2 h with intermission

Genre - Paper rhapsody

First night - June 26, 2021

Director - Matteo Spiazzi (Italy)

Playwright - Maryna Smilianets

Stage designer - Yuriy Larionov

Costume and mask designer - Khrystyna Korabelnikova

Assistan director - (Ua) Наталія Дуброва

Musical decision - Oleksandr Kurii

Prop artists - Mariya Pohrebniak, Nataliia Iahupova

Moments / Momenti

In a new play from the author of “The Family Album” by the Italian director Matteo Spiazzi, we will go back in time to relive it from the beginning of the 1970s to the first independent revolution.

The heroes of the play are immersed in the circulation of reports and papers, while outside the window, time, fashion, state secretaries change, from time to time making their corrections in the fate of “little” people. Someone is waiting for a prize, someone is saving for a new service or a mink hat, and someone for a trip to the sea with the whole family.

And so the decades pass. When no one remembers how to insert a cassette into a tape recorder and what a “fart” is. Their world fit into a box-cabinet with typewriters, folders and portraits of those who cannot be named out loud. They get promoted, fall in love, get married, retire, and die without ever knowing if it was life or just moments of it.

Rhapsody is a musical fantasy on folk themes without words. Although here you will hear neither folk melodies nor pathetic works.

The characters of the performance look like you and me, our grandmothers, parents and strangers from old photographs. In the guise of comedy dell’arte. As always, without a word.

We do not know whether you will come to our performance alone or with friends, with a loved one or with the whole family, but we know for sure that on this day there will be even more moments in your life that will be pleasant to remember.

The exhibition was created with the support of the Embassy of Italy in Ukraine and the Italian Institute of Culture in Ukraine.
